Holy Communion

Jesus shared a final meal with his friends on the night before he died. We call it the Lord’s Supper. At that meal, Jesus took bread and wine and blessed them and gave them to his followers with special instructions:
“Whenever you eat of this bread and drink from this cup, remember me.”
From the earliest days of the church, persons have received communion frequently as a way to share in Jesus’ message, and to be renewed by his Spirit.
We believe that in communion we not only remember Jesus, but we also find he draws near to us—in a real way that we may not understand but can accept.
Jesus is with us in communion as real as the bread and juice we taste and feel.
Sharing communion gives us a way to experience God’s presence and power in our lives.
We need frequent “spiritual renewal” to empower us over and over again.
We serve communion by “intinction”. It is a fancy word that simply means:
- As you come forward to receive communion, a server will break off a piece of the bread and place it in your hands;
- You take the bread and dip it into the juice in the cup;
- You place it your mouth immediately.
FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions
Who can receive communion?
In our tradition, communion is open to anyone whether you have an on-going relationship with God or whether this is your first time in church. Anyone seeking to grow closer or discover God’s love is invited to come.
What about children?
We believe that children are also free to receive the blessing of God through communion. We believe Jesus’ words when he reminds us not to keep the children from him.
Why juice and not wine?
We use juice so that all – including children and those suffering with addictions – might be able to receive communion together.
What about germs in sharing the cup?
All communion servers are prepared to serve communion in the most germ free way possible. The spread of germs through the bread then is not an issue. As the bread is dipped into the cup, only the bread touches the juice which keeps the spreading of germs under control.