First Church reaches out and serves the community through its various missions. From infants to the elderly, the First Church family enjoys giving back. We value a Christian community dedicated to seek out and meet the needs of others through understanding and compassion inherent in Christ’s commandment “Love one another as I have loved you.”
Friends@First provides emergency resources for our street friends and neighbors through the Outreach Center. This includes a Cool Down Room, shower facility, clothing boutique, food pantry, blessing bags and toiletry bags. This outreach is made possible by the generous communion offerings of our congregation and contributions from individual members and groups.

The Clothing Boutique
A part of Friends@First, The Clothing Boutique provides clothing for women, men, and children. The Clothing Boutique is open to those in need of clothing on Mondays and Thursdays from 12pm – 3pm. Professional suits are available for those who have job interviews. The Children’s Clothing Boutique is available by appointment.

Ugly Quilt Group
The Ugly Quilt Group makes sleeping bags for the homeless. No fancy quilting. Join them on Thursdays during the cooler months between 8 a.m. and noon for fellowship and simple, easy sewing.